

Rajasthan’s blood bank benefits 12 lakh patients in 3 decades

Dr SS Agarwal addressing blood donors at an event organized to mark 30th Foundation Day of Swasthya Kalyan Blood Bank in Jaipur.

Rajasthan’s blood bank benefits 12 lakh patients in 3 decades

Photo: SNS

Rajasthan’s Swasthya Kalyan Blood Bank has collected six lakh units of blood through 8000 donation camps in the last 29 years and has provided blood to 12 lakh patients suffering from various diseases, said Dr S S Agarwal, its Managing Trustee today, on the occasion of celebrating 30th Foundation Day of the blood bank here.

The Blood Bank has strictly followed the standards and has also made many innovations due to which it has been awarded ‘NABH’ certification by the Quality Council of India, Government of India, he claimed.

“Ours is the only non-government licensed blood bank that provides blood to the needy without earning any interest,” he said, adding that the dedication of all the workers associated with the blood bank inspires us to say ‘A person cannot live even a day without blood, give life to others with your blood.’


‘Besides providing blood to the needy, the blood bank also makes about 20 types of products of all three components from one unit of blood, which are given to the patients as per their requirements so that they get immediate benefit and do not have any side reactions,” he explained.
